Monday, April 30, 2012

I Almost Didn't Go

The Sunday I went forward to be baptized, I almost didn't go. I was really close to not going. I told my husband I felt like Satan didn't want me to be there and he said "then you should go." He was working that morning and I had to take the kids by myself, in the rain. I'm glad I went.

I almost didn't sign up for Bible Study at our church last year. It was on a total whim. I pretty much thought well, there's free childcare for 3 hours so I'll do it. That first semester I made multiple friends and learned SO much. It was my first Beth Moore study, we did David, it was awesome. One of the ladies in our group was praying about going to work with a friend of hers. I asked her what kind of company it was. Turns out it was marketing, turns out they had a graphic designer about to leave, turns out my current part time job was about to end. Turns out I still work there a year later, it has the flexibility to let me work from home or be in the office, the people are great and I love my boss. I'm glad I signed up for that Bible Study. I could never have found a job that was such a perfect fit if I had looked for it.

Fall came around and I was reluctant to sign up for the Navigator 2:7 series in Bible Study. It wasn't the popular course, but I decided at the last minute to take it. When Fall ended I signed up for another Beth Moore study, but the rest of my group was continuing on to the second Nav 2:7 book. I changed my mind and stuck with my group. We continued on to the 3rd book as well and I've now completed all 3. In the last 9 months we've memorized over 20 scriptures, we've written our testimonies, we've provided basic needs like food to a member of our group in need, we've seen a member accept Christ into her heart and be baptized. We've been so intimate. When we all show up in that room, the Holy Spirit is there and it's the most peaceful place in the world. I've made numerous friendships and mentors I am certain I will keep for a long time. I am really glad I went.

I could keep going. I almost didn't go to the women's conference this Spring, where I broke down in tears the first night because I was so overwhelmed with young motherhood. The sweet ladies at my table picked me back up. I learned about my current season in life and how to handle it, how to be content. I waited until the very last minute to sign my son up for the Spring Break Mission Trip because I couldn't decide if I wanted to pay for it. I'm so glad he had the opportunity to go. It was so sweet to watch all the kids rally around and lay hands on a police officer and pray for him. I'm glad we could experience that day together.

How many things have you and I almost done that we skipped over? I wonder what all I've missed? How many sermons I needed to hear, but didn't because I was too lazy to drag my kid across the parking lot. It's so much work sometimes. But, life is a lot more work without the support of God and my church for sure. Keep it stored away in the back of your mind the next time you're almost about to do something.

If you ever have a chance to do the Navigator 2:7 Series you should absolutely take it. It's kind of a discipleship course. It teaches the daily disciplines of being a Christian without a lot of commentary, just by using the word of God. It will change your life, no doubt.


  1. I love your blog Amanda! It's great hearing you share. I can really relate to this blog. We think so many times that we are taking the"easier" road by skipping something but you are right most often that little skipping of something leads us down a much harder road. I needed this encouragement! Keep it up girl!

  2. That's great! I know, I skip out on stuff all the time. Of course, there are things I wish I had skipped out on! Haha.
