Friday, April 20, 2012

A Mountain Bike Family Outing

The Officer found a great place to mountain bike that had an awesome park in the middle. While he did two circuits on the trails we played at the park.

Beemer immediately made friends with two other boys his age and was occupied for the duration. One of the boys had a pirate telescope and hat that was a popular item. I love how immediately kids become friends.

Sister wanted to find the opposite direction and run in it. Pretty much the usual.

The entire playground made a big circle around this open area. The loop of the playground had a raised track they kids could run on. Around the circle were individual stations with slides, etc.

That's the kind of pony tail you give when your child is running away from you while you're putting it in. Just get the hair out of the face!

I can't believe Beemer is big enough to go up all these climbing ladder things. He had a great time. Sister even went up the rock mountain thing. Yes, those are the official term things.


The playground connects to a raised and covered picnic area. The kids were eyeballing the people eating, so we went back to the truck for fruit leathers, or Foo Baws as Sister calls them, while we waited for The Officer.

On our way home we stopped at the meat market for some great fajita meat and I couldn't resist picking up some chopped beef for lunch. My mouth was watering. We had a nice morning out as a family!

This afternoon the kids and I enjoyed some ice cream outside, again. Beemer wanted to swing and Sister had it covered before I could get to him!

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