Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Dyson - a little humor, a little product review

A few weeks ago my husband called to tell me our current vacuum had lost all sucking power. Somehow, he talked me into a Dyson. I was pretty reluctant. I mean, maybe it's all just great marketing.

So far, I've found one thing the DC33 struggled pick up, Chex cereal. I'm really not sure why I bothered getting it out to clean up the entire bowl of cereal my child dumped on the floor. The minute I pulled out the vacuum, both children started eating the cereal off the floor.

On a side note: I took my 3 year old to the mall the other day and looked over to see he was eating something he found on the floor.I thought I might throw up. But, it turns out that was nothing compared to what happened 20 minutes later when his little bum fell in the toilet water of a PUBLIC TOILET. There's just not enough soap for some of things.

Anyway, if you're thinking about getting a Dyson and wondering if they're worth it, the answer is a clear YES. We got ours at Costco and it saved us about $100 off the price of the same machine at Target. I read review after review online and most every one was great. They didn't lie.

Here's the ups and downs:
- Picks up pet hair (we have two dogs, we did not buy the Animal machine which is much more expensive)
- Does excellent on hard floors and easily switches back to carpet. I have almost not used my broom in weeks.
- Easy to use and empty. My 3 year old can empty this machine. Also, a plus if you suck something up on accident. No cutting apart a yucky bag. (That would have been super useful when I sucked up my college roommate's bra 10 years ago).
- True to it's reviews, this machine will turn you into an obsessive little cleaning machine. It's addictive.
- I only have one problem with it. The handheld attachments are a little bit of a pain. However, I CAN stand on the floor and clean around my ceiling and ceilings fans without a stretch. They also did fabulous on my car. The handheld hose is the same hose runs up the back of the machine for regular vacuuming. Therefore, you have to disassemble the machine a little to use it, making it harder to quickly switch back and forth. You also have to have the cord completely unwound to take the attachment out. The sucking power is so strong that you're fighting sucking power to keep the hose pulled out while you're using the handheld. You end up pulling the machine around when you want it to stay in place, it's hard to extend the hose very far.

That said, I'd still buy it again and it's worth it for the cleaning power. I'd show you a picture of the amount of junk we came up with the first time, but you'd probably never want to step foot in my house again.

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