Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cutie Pies

Here's the latest in pictures...

For Christmas, Sister got a bag of ball pit balls. This might be the best $10 I've spent on the kids yet. We throw them at each other, the kids get in the ball bucket with them and cover up. They are light and small so it doesn't hurt if you get hit with them and we're in little danger of breaking anything. It does seem a little daunting to clean up, but we mostly keep it contained to one room and it's easy enough for my kids to clean up.
Last week, Beemer asked me if we could put some money in his piggy bank. I told him I didn't have anything to put in it. Then he told me he wanted to take the money from his piggy bank and put it in his star. The star came from our church. The kids were supposed to put coins in it and bring it back on Easter. They are raising money for their new property so that they can maintain as little debt as possible. I really appreciate that our church raises money before doing things like this. Instead of doing it and then raising the money. Anyway, he put every last bit of his piggy bank money into his star and told me we would take it to church. I was reluctant to let him give up ALL of his money. May I be as generous as my son.

Yes, he's wearing swim trunks. No, we haven't been swimming yet, though it's pretty much about to be hot enough to swim. And, yes, those 2T shorts are still falling off of my skinny almost 4 year old. At least he's in swim shorts and not in our old 18 month fleece pumpkin costume. He loves to run in around in it, the legs cut off just under his knees. Whatever!

New shoes! I couldn't resist showing you these little Sperry's I found at Nordstrom Rack. The Rack is a great place to find kids shoes. I opt to spend a little more on two pair of shoes for him instead of having a bunch of cheaper shoes. Two pair of shoes and sandals pretty much covers everything he needs as a boy. My daughter is another story! We talked about being thankful to God that He blesses us so that we can buy shoes and even buy shoes that we like. When we got home he brought me his old tennis shoes and told me he didn't like them any more!

Both my babies love yogurt. We bought a 24 pack at Costco, I'm figuring I'll buy another when in two weeks when I go back. They're not big on meat, so I encourage a lot of yogurt since they can get a little protein. This day, Beemer asked if he could have yogurt. I told him he could if he fed his sister too. I didn't have time to spoon feed her. Here's how it really went down...
This picture just cracks me up. I sit cross legged ALL the time. In fact, since my Just a Sprain on Easter, I haven't been able to sit cross legged. It's probably the biggest inconvenience from the Just a Sprain. I hope it goes away soon.

Here's our latest addition to our Schleich Collection. Yup, that's right, an airplane. I was so excited when he filled up his stickers to go get a new cute little animal. All he wanted was this cheap expensive airplane. I figured since he earned it he could pick, but I really didn't want to spend $8 on this airplane, anybody want to take bets on how long til something breaks off of it? I figured it was best I let him pick instead of making him get what I wanted him to get.

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