The sounds...
The click-click when he unloads his gun
The front door when he's home
The dogs rustling in the middle of the night
The kids screaming "Daddy!"
The sound of him sleeping
The sound of him not sleeping
The tv being on when he's home
The silence at night
The noises that startle
The kids asking for daddy
The mommy in me threatening to call daddy if the kids don't start listening. Right now!
The voice at the end of the line telling me goodnight
The ring of the phone when he gets called to court

The feel...
The relief when he makes it home
The laughter among officers and families
The comradery
The immense pride I have for him
The warmth next to me in bed
The sadness when an officer is fallen
The hurt when people are ugly and unappreciative
The sight...
The uniform
The gun belt on the dresser
The flashlight and radio on their charging docks
The bag, after bag, after bag in my spare closet
The bullets next to my jewelry box

The smell...
The clothes to be washed from the night before
The scent of him in our bed, on the pillows
The coffee to keep him awake
The Taste...
The taste of a good thing
The food he grills on his days off
The meals we share when he's home
The taste of fear when he can't get to his phone and you hope everything is ok
The taste of a kiss
The last few years have been a great privilege. I never knew how much I could possibly enjoy this lifestyle. My heart swells with pride for the wonderful man I married.
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