Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

I love being a mom. I don't even have to be spoiled on Mother's Day to have to love it. It's just a nice perk. I thank God every single day for my children and the opportunity to raise them. I'm convinced there's no greater calling this side of heaven.

We celebrated as a family a day early. Since the hubs has to works a weird schedule we sometimes celebrate a day or so off of schedule.

We decided to go out for breakfast. I've been wanting to try out The Dixie House for a while, Home of the Big Buns. Um, what does that mean? Apparently it means "Home of Delicious and Ginormous Rolls and Cinnamon Buns. Check out the size of this roll in comparison to the little bowl next to it. It was delish!

The picture doesn't do it justice, but that Bun was on a full sized plate, not a little dessert dish. The best part, it was only $2.50! The icing was majorly sweet, so if you're just wanting a really good roll without a ton of sugar then skip the Bun and order a roll.

The boys found little creamers to build with. 

The girls just hung out together. Sister was so out it she wouldn't even smile for the camera. Not to worry her inner almost two year old came out after a few minutes. We definitely agreed morning was the better time to try to dine out with our children.

When we came home, my sweet husband took on a house project. My inlaws redid their kitchen and handed down these AWESOME drawers that I can now slide out of my cabinet that held the old tiny oven pantry. This is my kind of Mother's Day Gift, thank you honey!

After our birthday party we made a quick stop at Central Market where I was coerced into buying some candy. We lit up the fire pit and chatted by the fire. It's rare that we have the change to do much chatting, so it was a nice way to cap off the night.

We spent our actual Mother's Day with my parents. It was a quick lunch so I didn't get any pictures. Dad treated us to lunch at a great Italian place, yum, I was craving stromboli! I was reminded once again that my almost 4 year old 3 year old is so much easier to be in public with than my closely approaching 2 20 month old. The terrible 3s seem to be slowing and I'm so thankful for the reasonably well behaved, precious little boy that I have. In the meantime, we are ramping up for the terrible 2s with my daughter. She's lucky she's cute, that's all I'm saying!

We rushed back to my parents' house and threw a cake in the oven. We ended up taking our cake for the road as the hubs had to get a little nappy in before work.

If you haven't seen this low calorie cake on Pinterest you should check it out. Cake Mix, Greek Yogurt and Water. No oil and eggs! We topped it with Light Whipped Cream. If I didn't know it was low cal, I never would have guessed it. 

As always, it was nice to visit with my parents and grandmother. Beemer immediately took up residence at Memmaw's side getting all sorts of snacks out of her. I consider myself very blessed to have grown up with my sweet grandmother living with us. Over all, it was a great weekend!

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