Monday, May 7, 2012

East Texas

Grandma and Grandpa, here we come!

Before we left town we made 3 stops for dinner. Yes, 3 stops for 4 people. What can I say, we don't get out much and we all wanted something different. The french fry cup proved useful for eating in the car.

We got there just in time for snuggles with Grandma and play time with Grandpa. The kids stayed up way too late and watched the piglet movie.

Thursday morning we got up and drove out to Tiger Creek in Tyler. It's a big cat rescue. On the way out we followed this cow. Poor guy just wanted to find his way back into the fence. Country livin' right here!

Here's Beemer at Tiger Creek. He honestly wasn't that interested in the cats. He mostly wanted to play in the dirt. Sister was more into lingering to look at the animals.

It was really neat to be able to be within five feet of these beautiful animals. It was a little sad to me that they were in such small cages. But, these animals have been rescued or retired from others situations that could have been worse. They come from individuals, circuses, safari parks, etc. This particular rescue housed the two tigers that were pets to Michael Jackson. One has since passed. Can you imagine having a tiger for a pet? I can't.

After the big cats, we had lunch at Casa Ole. I always remember eating there in college, they have this green avacado salsa stuff that I always really liked. And of course, there was more play time with Grandma.

After lunch we stopped by to see family. It was a treat for all. The kids both wanted to play with these little scripture cards. They remind me of my grandmother so I had to take a picture. I remember my Grandma had something very similar. It must be the sign of a great woman :)

The kids made instant friends with their aunt, begging her for french fries and playing cars with her.

Friday morning, we got up and went to Aunt M's place to feed the fish. They have a bunch of huge catfish in their pond. It was a lot of fun.

As soon as the fish food ran out, Beemer said "I want to go to THAT house." Aunt M and I looked at each other and said "He remembers where the toys are!" There he is, running away with Snickers.

We waited on the porch in the rocking chairs until it was time to go in. Aunt M is a former Kindergarten teacher and has saved the Best Of toys. She has some great stuff! Beemer knows exactly where they are.

After fish feeding, we snuck off and saw the Avengers, kid free. Thanks, Grandma! It was everything I expected it to be. I loved it! I can't wait for the next one. I needed to eat lunch so I snuck in with a personal pan Pizza Hut, my husband looked over and said "REALLY?!" There weren't many options!

The kids had lots of space to run and chase their daddy on his bike. This is a fun game for Beemer.

Right as it was about time to leave, Sister came down with a fever and passed out in Grandma's arms. I miss those sweet snuggles that are few and far between now.

We made it about 30 minutes into our trip home when this happened...
(P.S. the portable dvd player is the best thing in the world for road trips with kids)

And this happened...
Poor kid got sick on the side of the road, with 2 hours left to drive. Her daddy wrapped her up in this towel so she didn't have to touch the seat. Thankfully she slept the rest of the way home. I think I'm being paid back for all the times I got car sick when I was little. Although, now that I'm older I'm convinced it was my dad's driving ;)

It was a great weekend with lots of fun. We can't wait to do it again!

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