She refuses to be fed. She must feed herself. It looks something like this.

And then the dog gets involved.

She's stringing together a lot of words. Mommmmeeeeee, bite. Mommmmeeeeee, sit down. Brady, get down, Brady, get down. Bye bye puppy dog. Nooo, Mine. Mommmmeeee, bug. Mommmmmeeeeeee, dog. Sometimes she puts together about 10 words all at once, none of which we can understand. It's like one big jumbled sentence.
She's a pincher.
She enjoys her morning nayna, I mean banana, with her brother every single day.

Her hair is acting curly, on the bottom and in the back. The top is straight. It's, um, interesting. She must be chased in circles to have it blow dried.
She rips off her diapers the minute you put them on. Duct tape is becoming our friend. If her diaper needs changing, she'll tell you. If someone toots she whips her head around, points her chin down, raises her eyebrows and makes and makes a startled face.
She loves to be silly. She likes to talk and be loud. She does not get this from me.

She wants to pick out her own clothes. She does not want to wear a dress. She looks for her Minga Mou, I mean Mickey Mouse, shirt every day.
She likes to read books. Not just any book. Books with puppy douwgs on them.
She can follow directions and make decisions. She's very bright.
She adores her daddy.
She LOVES oes, I mean shoes. She has a little pair of leather boots that she has slept in a couple of times because she just couldn't stand to take them off. She doesn't discriminate either. The shoes don't have to belong to her, they just have to be shoes.
Things are changing around here. We've got 4 months until 2, but I'm pretty sure my child turned 2 a couple months ago. But one thing hasn't changed, she's still the cutest little girl in the world. And I think she might just know it!