Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Didn't Change the World

Well, I didn't change the world today. At least that's how I feel. I wouldn't say I did anything spectacular, though I did have a fabulous day.

I told you yesterday I'd let you know how it went when I started my day with what I'll call the "How can I help you today, Lord" prayer. And, I'm here to tell you I didn't do anything big. But, I did start my day out with the prayer.

We ran late all morning, but I took the time to sit down with my kids at the breakfast table and go over Awana verses with Beemer, and I took the time to sit on my back porch with my eyes closed long enough to listen to one of my current favorite songs (This is our God, Hillsong). Forgetting all about gymnastics I chatted with my friend in the parking lot about her sister who is far from God. I prayed for her when I left. We really just caught up in conversation, but I hope I encouraged her in some way. We were late to gymnastics, Sister wasn't in a feeling gymnasticy anyway.

When we left gymnastics we had an hour to kill so I let Sister lead the way. I took the time to sit on a park bench with her and take a walk around the entire water park which is closed for the year. I even almost wished for summer to stay longer, but quickly changed my mind. We spent some time at the library and then headed to the park to meet up with several girlfriends.

After picking Beemer up I laid on the kitchen floor and read books to him and Sister for a good while. Then, on another whim, I decided to let him stay up late and bake cookies with me. We laughed and whispered secrets in each others ears. We messed up our cookies and ate way too much dough. Shhh, don't tell.

Like I said, I didn't change the world today. But, I gave God my day and this is what He had me do. Nothing spectacular. Or was it? I took care of the responsibilities God has given me. I gave my children the gift of my time, which God gives us endlessly. I dropped the things I was doing to spend time with them, God is never too busy for us. We talked about Jesus and danced to music in the living room.

So my question to you is "Why do we sell ourselves short?" Why do we think that to impact the world we can't do it through our own children? Why do we think that if we don't have a chance to minister to someone outside of our home that we have done nothing with our day? Our homes are a mission field, our children don't have a relationship with God yet. Books like Kisses for Katie tend to really stress me out, after all I'm not in Uganda adopting 13 children at the age of 19 and running a non-profit organization. So, I'm doing nothing right? Am I even saved, because I'm sure not following very well. That's the devil talking.

There's one thing I'm certain of, I AM in full time ministry and I'm doing exactly what God has called me to do right now. Like most ministry positions, it doesn't pay well. In fact, it doesn't pay at all monetarily. It pays me richly in satisfaction, in the tears I get because I am so overwhelmed with love, in the tickles in my ear when my son wants to tell me a secret. When my heart swells because he's telling me about how Jesus loves him to infinity and beyond and back. It pays because it's the right thing.

Here's the quote I'll leave you with for today "Most days, that didn't include anything other people would find impressive. It simply meant being faithful to the people and responsibilities God had given me." (Kisses from Katie, Chapter 6)

1 comment:

  1. I love it!
    Hilarious how that book affected me so similarly. You have to be on my panel. Seriously.
