Monday, September 10, 2012

How can You and I allow it?

I've been captivated tonight by the story, Kisses from Katie. This is going to go on my must-read list so check it out if you haven't heard of it! It's written by Katie Davis.

How can God allow starving children in Africa? I've seen questions so similar to this a lot recently. And, many people seem to be realizing that the question really is "How can I allow it?"

You don't even have to go as far as Africa, there may be someone sitting in your Bible study without food. Maybe it's not food. Maybe it's school supplies, maybe it's a new pair of shoes, maybe it's clothing. Maybe it's a neighbor who needs a friend. Maybe it's that one mom at the new school who stands out as different from the rest, like she doesn't fit in. Whatever it is, those people are there. I've sat next to them before.

Am I watching closely enough to recognize it? Am I asking God to show it to me? Here's a bold prayer "Break my heart for what breaks yours." Pray that and you might be surprised who He puts in your path. Be ready to do something for them.

This line in Kisses for Katie fascinated me:
"God did not make too many people and not enough resources to go around."*

She goes on to quote Deuteronomy 24:19-22 and Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35 where the people are commanded to leave extra olives in their trees and grapes on their vines for the widow, the alien and the fatherless, and in Acts where the believers are selling their possessions and giving to the poor. She says gave "to the point that the poor aren't so poor anymore."*

Here's what I wrote at the top of the page in my book:
"God doesn't allow poverty. We allow poverty. He has shown us the solution."

Maybe you're like me and you feel overwhelmed at the great need in our society and overseas. I mean, how could we really make a difference in a world this big? The great thing is, I don't have to figure it all out because God already has.

Here's where I am going to start. By praying this simple prayer tomorrow morning, "Okay Lord, what would you have me do today? Whom would have have me help today?"** I'll tell you, the last time I prayed that prayer was right before heading to the park for a pizza dinner with a good friend of mine and our kids. As soon as we got there we came across a little girl. It was her fourth birthday and her parents were smoking weed with a friend at the park while she played alone. We invited her over to have pizza with us. It was no big deal to us, but I hope it had an impact on her family and her. Right after praying that prayer I felt like I couldn't ignore the calling to invite her in to be a part of our group so I trust that the Lord was up to something.

I'll let you know what tomorrow brings!

*These quotes are from Chapter 3 of Kisses for Katie by Katie Davis.
**This quote is in Chapter 4 of Kisses for Katie by Katie Davis.

1 comment:

  1. This is Ron Valderrama. I just want to tell you how LEGIT this post is. I have only read your blog 3 times but really enjoy it. FYI it is your headlines on FB that get me to read. How could I not read with a title like this. Keep it up.
