Friday, July 12, 2013

Is There Money in the Mail?

"Maybe there's money in it." I hopefully joked to myself as I checked the mail Wednesday afternoon. There wasn't any money, but I saw something that piqued my interest. A letter from the mineral rights company.

You see, as a stay at home mom, I can always use a little extra income. The mouths are eating more, the gas is costing more, everything health related seems to come out of pocket. We could all use a few extra bucks right?

It's been a couple of years since we caved and signed over our mineral rights to the people knocking on our doors. In fact, I pretty much forgot about it. I never expected to see another dime after our initial payment.

But He didn't forget. He knew those years ago that the well would be dug and start producing oil at just the right time.

He knew 11 months ago when I first submitted my claim for Beemer's anesthesia that I needed that first check to arrive two days before I had to pay my homeowners taxes. I called back this week to work out the rest of the details. They informed me that they found a pre-approval the doctor had sent to the insurance so they would be able to cover the rest. I don't see any way that this is even possible being that neither the dentist nor the anesthesiologist would file anything for me. I have no doubt God worked out some serious details on my behalf.

He knew when I quit my full time job that one week later I would be offered additional classes to teach through the college. He told me He would take care of me.

He knew that would come to a screeching halt and I'd be sitting next to a lady in Bible study who was good friends with my current employer. He knew her current graphic designer would be leaving shortly. He knew I could never find a job on my own that paid me well, let me set my own hours and work with someone so thoroughly enjoyable.

I've been troubled and worried by money lately. (Did you read my last post, What's Troubling You?) The truth is money is an ongoing angst for me. It tries to run my life. When the account is overflowing I'm in a great mood, when it's slim I'm stressed and cranky. It affects many of my decisions. I'm learning that I have to find my hope and comfort in God and not in my bank account.

Five days ago, I scribbled out some pages of prayers in my journal. I poured out my heart to God. I knew that I needed a new system for our budget. We have a lot of unknowns though. The money will be there, I'm just not always sure when. But He knows. I gave Him my tiny little mustard seed worth of faith and in five days He has sent one surprise after the next my way. My heart is overflowing tonight in amazement for how He is taking care of us.

I'm still not expecting to see much over a dime from the royalties. But, who knows? Maybe God has one more perfectly timed surprise up his sleeve.


  1. So cool to finally read your blog! We definitely need to meet up soon. I can totally relate to this blog post. Here's a song for the next time you have one of those "moments" Praise music is such a great heart medicine.

    1. Thanks! I read your post about the music also! I've started doing Spotify on the computer so I can listen to anything I want to without having to buy it! I also just now discovered Air1 radio, love their dj's! Can I email you from your blog somehow? Clearly I'm not savvy enough to figure that out! I'd love to set something up.
