Thursday, May 29, 2014

Butterfly Release

For our Butterfly unit we purchased the butterfly kit. It was about $30, but totally worth it!
I think I may shell out the almost $20 to get the caterpillar refill next year. We really
enjoyed the ants also. There is much to be learned from God's creation and it was so neat to
see the caterpillars truly become a New Creation!

We were heading to the Botanical Gardens for lunch and a playdate so I thought it would
be the perfect time to release our butterflies! That, and I was afraid I'd kill them if I kept
them any longer :) We hit up Sonic for 50 cent corn dogs, thankfully my friend was driving
by right as I needed to borrow some money. Left my wallet at home!

Dearest Sister, thank you for being so cooperative for this picture!

Off they go!

Watching one fly away.

All five of our caterpillars formed into chrysalis and eventually emerged. One fell in
the forming process and his wings never formed. Beemer had it on his Spring Bucket List
to touch a butterfly, I really didn't think we were going to see this one happen!

We saved our crippled beauty for last and he gently placed him in the garden.

You can see our other butterfly activities, including the Butterfly Garden, here.
I didn't go all out like this for many of the units, but we were really excited
about butterflies and enjoyed the activities we did do.

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