Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Makin' A Mess

Here's my little girl eating ice cream. She's so little, she's just not quite at the point of taking all her own bites. She thinks she can eat it with her fingers. She will not accept my help. If I reach over and grab her spoon she screams her little head off at me.

While I was watching her learn to eat her ice cream, I was reminded of how sometimes
I act the same way towards God. He waits patiently (much more patiently than myself) to help me. Yet, so often, I try to eat my ice cream on my own. And, it takes me much longer and
is much messier. I make that pouty-face, hold out my hand and say "No, I don't have time
to seek you first, I must take care of all these other things in front of me."

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Then, with my messy face and stained shirt I get desperate. And with that desperation
comes enough humility to ask for help, or at least receive it when it's offered to me.
Thankfully, God can clean me up and make me look good again. He gives me the mercy
I need to overcome my problems, He sends me a friend who lends an ear.

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual service of worship. Romans 21:1

Not only does this little ice-cream covered angel teach me that I need to let God help me,
but she teaches me that I need to show her the patience God shows me. It might take a little longer, but learning is accomplished when you are allowed to do something yourself. So, sometimes
I need to back away and let her get messy, waiting nearby to scoop up her last little melted bite.

One of the greatest gifts my children have given me is humility.

You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears!
You are just like your fathers:
You always resist the Holy Spirit!
Acts 7:51

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