Days like today are harsh reminders that I don't want to wish I had. I don't want to wish I had finished that robot the first time he asked me.
I don't want to wish I had taken more pictures, or been less worried about them being perfect and more worried about capturing the moment.
I don't want to wish I had volunteered less to others and more in my home.
I don't want to wish I had read the book he picked instead of picking a shorter one for him.
I don't want to wish I had done laundry instead of laying in the middle of the garage floor, on a stray piece of carpet when I was invited there by my children.
I don't want to wish I had been more tender and less irritated.
I don't want to wish I had spent less time looking at a screen and more time looking at real life.
I've always tried to live this way with my children. I don't want to live in fear, but I often ask myself how I would feel about this decision if tomorrow didn't come for someone in my family. I try to live this way with my husband. When he became a police officer I realized I could make the most of our time together by picking my battles and not wasting time fighting. We don't have much of it and if the worst ever happens I don't want to wish I had.
Like many of the rest of you, I laid in bed and snuggled my little boy a little longer tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll be making a robot. Because I don't want to wish I had.